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cold cell中文是什么意思

用"cold cell"造句"cold cell"怎么读"cold cell" in a sentence


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  • Well , perhaps spending a few hours in a cold cell under some hot lights will make you a little more agreeable
  • We place a number of data relaying stations ( drss ) at strategic locations , which can be used to relay data packets between mhs and btss . by using multi - hop , some of the traffic can be diverted away from the hot cell , and to its neighboring cold cells , if one or more such cold neighbors exists , thereby achieving load balancing among the cells and increasing the cell capacity and system capacity
    在本论文中,我们将adhoc网络运用于蜂窝网,通过基于延时估计的adhoc的多跳转发机制,将业务量繁忙的小区(热区)的业务部分的分流到邻近相对空闲的小区(冷区) ,来提高小区的容量,达到信道的动态分配。
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